Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The FINAL countdown to see Olivia’s beautiful face…

Finally! Some people talk about a long physical labor, well, our labor fell more along the lines of a long “mental labor”. By the time we travel to China (March, 2008), we will have waited three years to bring our daughter home.

But God had the perfect plan for us, and He knew we could endure the pain of the wait. We are now approximately two weeks away from seeing baby Olivia’s face for the first time! The numbness is finally starting to wear off; one reason why I am blogging again (Dad D, I know that makes you happy!). After last Mother’s Day I had to let go for awhile; it was a means of survival. We are now beginning to feel waves of excitement. I write “waves” because month after month of disappointment from not being matched keeps the China adoption community quite skeptical.

However, this time is different. Why? Well, we officially became NEXT in the line of 30,000+ waiting families when they matched families with log in dates December 15-19, 2005. Leave it to our luck...we are log in date December 20, 2005! They missed us by one day!!! (Mom D, what happened to the luck of the Irish?) But that’s what makes us NEXT! There are no log in dates in between…not one, nada, zip, zero, zilch!!! They will match December 20, 2005 families in the next batch!!! That’s us!!! I can’t even believe I am writing it. Pinch us, please!!! Is it real?!

We now ask you to please pray for those with log in dates after us. We pray that they match several days beyond ours, as this wait will continue to cause heartbreak for a lot more families and children, if it continues to increase. My prayers and hopeful thoughts truly go out to everyone who is waiting. I wish I had the right words to make it all better.

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